Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 03/28/2022
  • Title: Pheasants
  • Name: Andy Potter
  • Location: Neoga, Illinois
  • Blue Earred pheasant females 125.00 each. Edwards males pheasants 100.00 each. Amherst male 75.00. Elliot male 75.00. Silver pheasant pair 75.00. Ringneck pheasant pair 40.00.

    Dark Cornish bantams 75.00 pair

    Brassy Back old English bantams 75.00 pair. Creole old English pair 75.00.

    Mandarin hen 75.00.

    Cinnamon teal hen 100.00

    American widgeon hen 100.00

    Cheer hen 100.00

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