

  • REFERENCE ONLY: Animals listed have been sold or removed.
  • Name: Chance Duncan
  • Posted: 04/16/2008
  • ID #1250
I have two "probable" adult male mute swans I would like to swap for either a breeder pair of kookaburras or a hand tame male OR female pet kookaburra. If the trade of the pair for pair seems uneven, I might be willing to throw in two breeder pairs of Mandarin ducks - one pair normally colored and the other pair white.

I say the swans are probably males because they both display rather dominantly. They occupy the same pen and get along pretty well, even if they are becoming more and more territorial with people as spring comes on. They don't mind the yearling emu they have as a pen mate though. They may be a sexual pair - I'm just not versed enough in waterfowl sexing to determine it for sure. I just tried vent sexing them like I would my ratites, but they resisted. According to the vent sexing, they both appeared to be female, but it's more likely that they were just blocking. If you're local and interested, you'd be more than welcome to visit and check for yourself. If they're male and female, you'd be getting a breeding pair just in time.

I would sell them outright for $500 each, and may consider a small cash discount for buying both. Even better deal if you get them and the Mandarin ducks.

Call me at 479-477-0434 or e-mail for more information.


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