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- Posted On: 01/20/2024
- Title: Black swans
- Name: Amber White
- Location: Lawton, Oklahoma
- I'm looking for a pair of black swans for a man made lake in the middle of a subdivision that is very well maintained. Located in Lawton Oklahoma. I will build a natural shelter in the coming months due to the weather that can become so cold the cattles ears fall off (learned this last week). Thank fully not on my animals. The summers can also be 108 for a week straight. Pools become useless once you are out of water the wind that's always is whipping has you dry like a hair dryer with a case of heat stroke. So needless to say. They'll be protected from all the weather elements.
This will be my first time owning Swans. And have a couple helpful owners on stand by to ĝuide me with them. I promise they'll be spoiled and cared for to the best of my abilities and that's all I can do.
Thank you