Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 12/16/2017
  • Title: Pheasants for sale
  • Name: Ben Johnson
  • Location: Argonne, Wisconsin
  • Various pheasants for sale.

    1) 5 pairs of red goldens--$50.00 a pair or $25.00 for males an $40.00 for hens.--plus shipping
    2) 6 pairs of yellow goldens-$50.00 a pair or $25.00 for males and $40.00 for hens--plus shipping
    3) 2 pairs of reeves--$80.00 a pair  2 extra males-$30.00 a peice for them--plus shipping
    4) 2 pairs of melanistic mutant $25.00 a pair plus shipping
    5) 1 pair of Buffs-$25.00 a pair-plus shipping
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