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  • Posted On: 04/21/2022
  • Title: Black casqued blue wattled hornbill pair
  • Name: Ernest Riggen
  • Location: Morrison, Illinois
  • A gigantic black hornbill of African rainforests, often seen or heard in the canopy feeding on fruiting trees. Undertakes seasonal movements, and can be surprisingly common at certain times of year and absent in others. The male is a large black hornbill with a large black bill. Females have much smaller, paler bills with a brownish hood over their head and neck. Tail is long and black with a white tip, a feature that separates this species from other large hornbills within its range.. Voice is a loud braying wail that can be heard from several kilometers away.

    This is a young pair -- appear to be bonded. Have been together 2-3 years now. I just don't have the room they deserve. Serious inquiries only.

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