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Search results for 'pheasants'
Pheasants ,geese
- Price: 100.00 up
- Name: Jeff
- Posted: 02/19/2024
- Phone: 5097106068
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Washington
2023 temminick tragopan male out of my imported lines. Lineated kalij male out of imported lines, or trade for hen,horsfield males,cheer males. Breeder Ross gander,2 year old gander,or will trade for goose.
Mikado male, Landig 97 import line Red Golden pheasants
- Price: $100.00
- Name: Aaron Reiling
- Posted: 02/14/2024
- Phone: 2184431401
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Minnesota
2023 Mikado male, $100 Pair of 2023 Landig 1997 imort line, line breed and kept pure. $100 Shipping available, free box.
- Name: Michael Rowland
- Posted: 02/13/2024
- Phone: 9196985825
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: North Carolina
Looking for::: Impyean hen Blue eared male Cabots male
Pheasants and peafowl
- Name: Roger Breeden
- Posted: 02/13/2024
- Phone: 5406526045
- Location: Virginia
Breeder impeyan pheasants trio of Temmincks 2023 hatch Impeyans Peach golden splash Swinhoes Lady Amherst 2023 hatch India blue pied hens Black shoulder pair with extra male No shipping.
2023 Hatch Pheasants
- Name: Kurt Landig
- Posted: 02/06/2024
- Phone: 5672011582
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Ohio
2023 hatch; Temminck Tragopan female, unrelated Cheer pairs, Impeyan Monal male and extra Cheer male.
- Price: 100.00 up
- Name: Jeff
- Posted: 02/03/2024
- Phone: 5097106068
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Washington
Pheasants, 2 temminick tragopan males out of my imported lines, humes bartail hen,Mikado male or will buy hen,lineated kalij male or trade for hen,horsfield males,cheer males, barnacle males or trade for hen,WANTED cabot hens,ijima copper male,
- Name: Jared klein
- Posted: 02/01/2024
- Phone: 3208940331
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Minnesota
Yellow Golden pairs 75.00 Swinhoe males 60.00 Grey junglefowl hens 75.00 Temmnick males 150.00
Peach goldens and Silver pheasants
- Name: Ben Johnson
- Posted: 01/29/2024
- Phone: (715) 616-9512
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Wisconsin
We have the following pheasants available, 1 pair of 2023 hatch peach goldens $250, 2 pairs of 2022 hatch peach goldens $300 per pair, 1 2022 hatch peach golden male $150, 1 pair of 2023 hatch silver pheasants $90, located in northern Wisconsin, ship...
- Name: Jared
- Posted: 01/29/2024
- Phone: 3208940331
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Minnesota
Yellow Goldens 75.00 pair Swinhoe males 60.00 Temmnick males 150.00 Grey junglefowl hens 75.00 Email or text for more info
Grey peacock pheasant
- Price: $1.00
- Name: CM
- Posted: 01/21/2024
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: California
Grey peacock pheasants males for sale. $200/each. Shipping is extra.
Pheasants for sale in N.H.
- Price: 40.00+
- Name: Tony Tirone
- Posted: 01/11/2024
- Phone: 6039537050
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: New Hampshire
2023 hatch amherst 150.00 pr,extra males 70.00 ea,swinhoe pr 150.00,Jones silver pair 200.00(male is 2022 hatch in full color,hen 2023 hatch),true silver 150.00 pr,extra hens 75.00 ea.,nepal kalij hen 70.00.Shipping available at buyers expense.Pick u...
Pheasants and waterfowl for sale
- Price: 100.00 up
- Name: Jeff
- Posted: 01/06/2024
- Phone: 5097106068
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Washington
Pheasant males .temminick tragopan out of my imported lines 150,horsfield,edwards,cheers 100 each,wc kalij 75,lineated kalij 200,barnacle geese 200.
Pheasants available
- Price: $50.00
- Name: Ben
- Posted: 01/05/2024
- Phone: (715) 616-9512
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Wisconsin
I have the following birds available, 1 2022 hatch Makido male $90 1 2022 hatch Elliott male $90, 1 2022 hatch Cheer pair $200, 1 2023 Bianchii pair $200, 1 breeding trio cinnamon goldens $150 2 breeding trios of yellow goldens $150 per trio, 2 2022...
Snow Geese, Red Breasted Geese, White-Fronted Geese, Lady Amherst & Temminck's Pheasants
- Name: Lonnie Bougie
- Posted: 01/02/2024
- Phone: 920-265-9912
- Location: Wisconsin
23' Hatch Snow Goose Pairs $300PR, 23' Hatch Red Breasted Goose Pairs $1250PR Extra Ganders $550EA, 23' Hatch Greater White-Fronted Ganders $150EA, Lady Amherst Pheasant Pairs $150PR Extra Hens $75EA, Temminck's Tragopan Pairs $300PR Extra Hens $200....
Pheasants for Sale
- Name: Kurt Landig
- Posted: 12/27/2023
- Phone: 5672011582
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Ohio
2023 Hatch. Pure Golden 70.00/pr. Pure Lady Amherst 90.00/pr. Cheer pheasants 200.00/pr. Unrelated pairs in all.
Pheasants ,waterfowl for sale
- Price: 100.00 up
- Name: Jeff
- Posted: 12/27/2023
- Phone: 5097106068
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Washington
2023 hatch,cheer pairs.males in temminick tragopans out of my imported lines. Cheers,horsfield,lineated,white crested kalij,edward all malesTrade drouni white eared. Pair Ross geese,barnacles.shipped from wa.state
Birds For Sale
- Name: Rickie Crowther
- Posted: 12/26/2023
- Phone: 5302576453
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: California
Adult Gambian Spur Winged Geese $600. pere pair. Common Shelducks $300. pr Sharp Wing Teal $250. pr. extra males $100. Golden Pheasants $ Red legged partridge (Chukars) $15 ea. Call if No answer leave a detailed message.
Pheasants wanted
- Name: Kevin Hendricks
- Posted: 12/19/2023
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: North Carolina
Have several lonely hens so I'm looking for Cabot tragopan male Koklass male Scintillating copper male
Grey peacock pheasant
- Price: $1.00
- Name: CM
- Posted: 12/18/2023
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: California
Unrelated Grey peacock pheasants pairs for sale.
2023 pheasants
- Price: 100.00 up
- Name: Jeff
- Posted: 12/18/2023
- Phone: 5097106068
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Washington
2 pair cheers,males in cheers,edwards,horsfield kalij.lineated kalij male or trade for hen.Trade either sex of drouni white eared.